Build with us your dream house! Do you want to build, repair or restore your house, garden or pool?
We are your best choice!
E&G Point Construct offers you full services to choose the most effective direction. A house is a long term investment. We understand this issue and we offer you the optimum solutions for you to achieve your projects.
More details about all the services we provide and the portfolio of clients you can find in About us page.
Wooden Houses
Starting with the external color of the house to the rooms' parquet, the choice is yours.
These type of houses include, also, electrical, plumbing (gas, water), internal and external design.
Brick Houses
You only have to take your luggage and move to the new house!
The house is completely finished inside and outside: plumbing, electrical, parquet, mosaic, tile and sandstone installation, painting.
There are a lot of types: gardens with vegetables,
flowers, grass, roof gardens, public gardens or water gardens.
Modern gardens become smaller and smaller because most people live in the city.
In the city the free space is small and there is not enough time to take care of the garden.
Please, see our Catalog for further photo explanations
We'll be back with details regarding the art of gardening.
Plumbing Installation
We set up power plant, heating, bath installation, kitchen installation, radiators, floor heating, floor electrical heating, solar panels and so on. Rehau Certificate
Exterior Decorations
Exterior decorations: painting waterproofing, thermal insulation facades, therace, paving and much more
Interior Decorations
Interior decorations - repairing walls, gypsum, parquet, mosaic, tile and sandstone installation, waterproofing and thermal insulation of the ceilings, false ceilings, cassette ceilings and much more
Solar Panels
One of the great advantages of the use of solar panels is that utilizes free and renewable energy required for Your home.
A long term investment is necessary though.
The cost of a WATT produced through solar panels is 6-7 times higher than the cost of its production through thermal power plants.
This investment will be recovered during a few years.
The angle below which the solar panel are mounted is very important. This is why you need the advice of our experts.
Heat through flooring
Floor heating system has the advantage that provide warmth in the area in which we operate every day.
It accumulates heat in areas of low grade League, especially those with very high ceiling.
Effect of radiant floor heating is felt up to a height of approximately 2 m.
For further information. please, don't hesitate to contact us on phone or through the email form in Contact page.